Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Bittersweet Memories

Dear Journal,

I had another day today. You know the day Im talking about. The day in which I look at myself and find it hard to believe that I'm getting older. I look at myself in the mirror and see age slowly coming to my face and turning the glossy brown locks upon my head into strings of silver. While I know that there are only a few gray hairs alongside the masses of brown, I cant help but be saddened a little. I try to remind myself that gray hair is noor. And this does offer a bit of comfort to me.

I see my beautiful children running and screaming and playing and it seems like not so long ago that I was doing the same. I see myself through a crystal clear lens just a few years back laughing aloud with my friends about anything and everything. We were so easily amused. We floated through life without a care in the world. Oh yes, sure, there were the worries that typical teens have but nothing that we can even remember today. Things seemed so complicated at that time. So laughable now.

I remember thinking that I wanted to be anywhere else in the world doing anything other than what I was doing. And now I am. Alhamdulila, I have been guided to the beautiful deen of Islam. So I am somewhere different. And I am doing something different. Truth be told, there is no other place Id rather be.


  1. Assalaamu alaikum,

    Frightening how our age creeps up upon us so fast isn't it?! Things that I did in my late teens seem only a few short years ago and I think it is the same even for my grandparents both now in their 80's. Subhan Allah. When we are told in hadith that our time on this earth will seem like only days or hours, this suddenly becomes easy to understand.

    Alhamdu Lillah for everything though, alhamdu lillah for hidayah to this beautiful, perfect and complete deen.

    Umm Ibrahim

  2. amazing how time really does fly ... i too look at my kids and think the same ...

    the power of allah is so big
